Life through the viewfinder.
October means it's time for Care To Learn's celebrity challenge, "Scare To Learn." It was a lot of fun making this photograph with the help of make-up artist/actor/director Nathan Shelton to disguise a well know local Springfieldian. Can you guess who it is? Daily cues can be found on the Care To Learn Facebook page.
The sun just kisses the tops of the hills and the ground fog drifts down the long valley. The warm morning sun makes the new tree buds look more like fall. This hill along U.S. 65 south of Ozark, Missouri always speaks to me. Spring.
I've been going through a lot of old images recently to put together a retrospective exhibit at Drury University in March. In doing so I've come across a few (and I say a few because I usually threw them away) old media credentials. It's been fun to look through them all.
There is something about the industrial process that fascinates me. I enjoy the texture of the objects and seeing skilled people work with tools. The sounds, smells and images all come together to make something special. My new industrial client, Alliance Industries, remanufactures automotive components for one of the "Big Three" automobile companies.